Saturday, July 08, 2006

Nothing is as it appears

Is our world “real”? Or is it some kind of dream state that is no more substantial than a very convincing movie, which has motion, color, & sound, but it, in fact, just one image with nothing behind it?

Here are some very convincing deceptions imposed on us by the gods that humankind in toto believed to be true for millennia:

The sun circles the earth!

Now this is a real gem! What fool would have declared that the earth circles the sun? Only a lunatic, surely (the moon causes madness, you know).

How quickly yesterday’s falsehood becomes today’s sacred cow. I, for one, will not be at all surprised if soon some marvelous breakthrough in quantum physics or cosmology proves that the sun does actually circle the earth. And how smug our kids & grandkids will be that they know something brand new and up-to-date that the old fogies were too backward to grasp. Ah, yes! What goes around comes around.

Other truths of yesteryear now considered passé in most quarters:

The world is flat
The bleeding of patients aids healing
There is One True God not many


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