Thursday, February 22, 2007

Peeves That Become Pets as I Get Older

I have gotten really weary of doing servers' jobs for them when I visit restaurants. For example, tonight I asked for a chopped steak but got a regular steak. Now that was fine. The steak was 2$ more. And they didn't charge me the extra 2$. But I ordered the chopped steak not only because it was cheaper, but because it's easier for an old person to swallow without choking to death. And of course the whole time I was eating my steak I was hoping that this might be the night that I could leave the world by reason of choking on my dinner, but of course it didn't happen. Anyway, I got a steak and only paid for chopped sirloin, but the point is that over and over and over again, I'm finding that when my food is brought I have to send it back for some reason. When I say, "Please, no ranch sauce on my cheeseburger, just mayonnaise," it comes soaked in ranch sauce that makes me gag. I get really angry that I have to send the darn thing back. Why didn't the server check to see if what she wrote on the slip is actually what they gave her?


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