Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Center of the Circle

Joseph Campbell, in the course of his interviews with Bill Moyers, said something that really intrigued me. He talked about the circle, which is common in every culture, ancient or modern, and it has various metaphysical and spiritual meanings. For example, the Plains Indians, at any time, could make a 360 degree turn and see that they were at the center of a circle, because the horizon, when it’s unbroken, is a circle, and since you’re equidistant from each part of the perimeter, you are at the center of your own circle. It occurred to me again that we’re all at the center of our own circle, and the incredible thing about creation is that we’re at the center and the hero of our own story. Most of us just don’t realize it. Maybe that’s one of the things that we get to do in eternity -- We get to tell our own stories.


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