Glimpses of Glory
I do believe now that all through our lives we are sent these little glimpses, short visions of what is to come in the next world, and we don’t recognize them because we think that they are just especially nice times that we had, like that one Christmas when everybody got along, and there seemed to be this glow over the whole weekend, and Grandma’s fudge was still just as fantastic as ever, it was a glimpse of glory, a time that was so special, and everybody remembered it and was thankful for it for a long time. You know, it can be a sunset, a garden on a particular day, or a symphony that just lifts your soul until you think that you may expire on the spot. Whatever it is, we get these glimpses, I think, to encourage us, to keep us going through the hard times, and we’re all thankful for them and wish there were more of them. Put them all together as best as you can over a lifetime, and you begin to see that they are all part of a larger picture. The picture is of glory, heaven, paradise, Shangri-La. The thing about a glimpse is that it happens so quickly that sometimes we’re not even sure we actually saw it once it’s passed, and we begin to doubt if the experience really could have been as fantastic as we remember it. Then in time something happens and we realize, “Oh, yeah, put together with those other special times, it was that special.” Sometimes a glimpse, even just a glimpse, is enough if the glory is great enough.
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