Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The State of the World.

All my life I have heard others and myself decry the appalling state of the world, and I have grown up hearing, and myself pontificating upon, why the world is in this terrible state, and I hear people blame political parties, their parents, religion, politics, the economy, the communists, and on and on. Everybody is always looking for the means to place the blame for the way things are on someone else’s shoulders, because, of course, they do not want to accept that responsibility themselves. And the wonderful thing is, nobody has to accept the blame; it rest squarely on the shoulders of one person, the Creator of all things. The world is in the state that the world is in because God likes it. You and I may hate it, but God thinks it’s cool. Maybe we should all just chill out, and sit back and enjoy the ride, too, because if God isn’t worried about it, why should we be?

Of course, almost everybody is convinced that God is not pleased with the state the world is in, in fact, that the cup of his wrath is about to overflow again, but those groups are, again, just trying to get themselves off the hook. If they can convince us that this crazy world is sick, sinful, and dying, then that gives them the edge on power, doesn’t it? Whereas if everything is cool, and everything is working out according to God’s perfect plan, then these people get a lot of power from just accusing others of doing what God has ordained.

This is one reason why as people get old they seem to have less interest in the world, to have less capacity to blame some group or other for the way things are. They just figure it out. This is just the way that things are supposed to be, and trying to change things is sort of like fighting against God, and who wants to do that, when you’re perhaps destined to stand before him one day real soon?


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