Thursday, February 22, 2007

Things Are Not as They Appear

The older you get, the more you realize that you have to do what Alice did when she went through the looking glass. You have to turn everything backwards and upside down in order for it to make sense, because everything in this world IS backwards and upside down. You don't realize this until you get older that the way things REALLY operate are almost the opposite, the exact opposite, of what you perceive. Well, the most obvious example would be, they tell me that the sun doesn't really go around the earth after all, but I could have sworn that it did.

Another example would be, what is “real” and what is “reality.” For me, reality has to mean something that lasts, that's permanent, that transcends time and eternity. And in time, where we're all trapped, everything is transitory. From my perspective, it's all a dream or a movie, but it's not real in the sense that we think of as being real. Another quick example is that even though things appear to be solid, science tells us that everything is actually empty space. Science cannot explain why things appear to be solid, since everything, from their perspective, is obviously just different lengths of electromagnetic waves, and solid is actually empty space and they can't explain it any more than they can explain gravity, but of course that doesn't stop them from trying.


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