Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Into the World and Out Again

A journey through this world is essentially a movement into the world and then out of it again. The world as we perceive it is understood through the sensory organs we possess, which scientists tell us actually receive only varying lengths of electro-magnetic waves, so the world is how we perceive it as it comes through our eyes, ears, and so forth. The way we interpret it and put it together is something the brain does with the help of our DNA and our life experiences. In other words, we’re essentially a creation in process, and we are, at any given moment, exactly what the Creator wants us to be. Apparently, our lessons are learned by sojourning through the world, receiving electro-magnetic stimuli, and interpreting them according to a higher power. If we consider life a circle beginning at 6 o’clock, proceeding clockwise, and ending again at 6 o’clock, then as we mature the world comes into sharper focus and we spend more of our time and energy involved with the world as, again, we perceive it according to the stimuli coming to us, but at some point, which we might call 12 noon, the world gradually begins to dim again, and we find life becomes increasingly repetitious, and therefore increasingly disinteresting, and then something I think really fascinating happens, as the world becomes to dim ever so slowly, an unseen world begins to manifest itself and becomes more apparent as the world dims until, as an old person, we’re focused almost entirely on what’s to come, rather than on what is or what has been. This world truly becomes dim, hazy, and unreal, and the unseen world is the one that begins to become more and more substantial.


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