Thursday, November 22, 2007

Look Into Your Eyes

It’s wonderful to look into one’s own eyes and see the glory that is writ there by God’s hand, and to feel love again, love coming from within, because that’s where love always is. It’s other places as well, but it’s always within us. We just don’t recognize it. I look into the mirror and see the eyes of an old guy, and a bald head, and a scruffy beard that won’t grow dark and thick like I’d like it too, and all the rest of this “house,” and to see how it has changed over the decades, adapting to its duties at any given point in my life. How different a body we need at 20 than at 50, or 80. Being the living organism that it is, the body continues to change, age, and evolve throughout our lifetime, and like all of life, it just becomes increasingly ironic to most of us, it we live long enough, to find ourselves trapped in this body that we didn’t ask for. This is the one we were given. In spite all that, I’m able to love a body that I had nothing to do with making or maintaining. The years that I was the most abusive to it, it did just fine, and the years that I was the most kind to it, it just rebelled every possible way, so please, no more bullshit about how we decide or control the kind of bodies that we are going to have when we’re old. We take what we’re given and make do the best we can. I look at this body and think, well, there it is, for better or for worse, and at least I’ll be leaving it soon, preferably before it stops working altogether, but, you know, if that’s the only way you can make your exit, then yeah, just shut it down. I know that at some point I’m going to open my eyes and slowly begin to realize that I am in a different place. It will look familiar, perhaps I won’t understand, or even need to, that there’s been a return to, what? To eternity? And to know that you’re going to experience existence on a plane unimagined here. I can look into the mirror, into those eyes, and see all of that, and what’s more, I can look into the eyes of others now and see the same God looking back at me, with a sardonic smile on his or her face, and something in the eyes that I may be the only one to see.


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