The Unseen World
We begin to understand that this unseen world, the real world, is somehow centered within, in opposition to the visible world, which is centered, or somehow appears to be centered, without. I think that this is the meaning from that passage from Joel in the Old Testament, which is repeated in the Book of Acts, that in the final days, young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams, or vice versa. As we mature, it’s the world within that becomes more real, and we begin to see ourselves exploring. I think this is why we appear to spend more time sleeping or daydreaming, especially in the final stages of our journey, because by now our poor old bodies are so worn out, and our senses have so dimmed, that the only thing the spirit can now perceive is the spiritual world. That becomes real. It’s one of the reasons why I’m so comfortable with watching old people, like myself, turn more and more inward from the world. I really resent all the people who try to keep me focused outwardly. You know, I’ve been focused on the world for most of my journey, and I’m really tired of the world, and I need inspiration coming from another source now, and that does appear to be within, and I spend a lot of time doing what I suppose the world would call dreaming. I’m not even sure what the process is; it just seems that I’m in tune with a world that’s far more real and lovely and peaceful. Why would I want to keep focused on a world that is noisy, chaotic, cruel, or at least appears to be all of these things? Why not focus on a world of joy? I believe we should be supporting more and more the right of old people to grow old, to turn inwards, and just begin to say goodbye to the craziness of this world, because we’re all going to leave it eventually, and once that reality is substantial, it’s very hard to be interested in this world, which basically has nothing to offer that’s going to last beyond this world, so everything here’s temporal, and the soul longs for the eternal, because we are the eternal creatures, in some mysterious way that I do not begin to grasp. Allow people to turn inward. Encourage them. Try to go there with them. Stop trying to get them to take medicines that are going to focus them back on a world where it’s so difficult for people to be happy anyway.
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