I’m sure you’ve heard people tell other people things like,”Oh ye of little faith,” or “You’re supposed to have faith.” Gee, is there a single concept in this world that we really understand until right before we leave? For example, what the hell is faith? It’s one of those words, like “love,” that we just bat all over the place as if we actually know what it means. All of our lives we’re preached to by well-meaning ministers, teachers, and parents, as if faith is something that we can will into existence. Faith, like everything else we have in this world, like every breath we draw, is a gift. It’s given to us by the Gods, the creator, whoever, according to that power’s will, and not according to our own. We go through the world carrying these huge burdens of guilt, because somebody is always telling us that we’re doing it wrong. You can’t do anything wrong. You can’t do anything right. All we can do is live the life that’s been prescribed for us, and how much faith we have at any given moment is just one more of those conditions that God either grants or doesn’t. If you don’t have the faith to believe, then don’t. Big deal. We do not move events, certainly not by our will. There is one prime mover, and everything and everyone else is just a passive vessel. Faith is put into that vessel like everything else is put in. Faith is one of those things that grow over time, over the years, without you even being aware of it. It’s God who’s doing the planning, and the nurturing, and the growing, and at some point, faith is revealed to have been there all along. It just wasn’t really needed, so it wasn’t used. Ah, faith. For ye are saved by grace through faith. Or is it by faith through grace? And that not of yourselves. It is a gift of God lest anyone should boast.
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