Friday, May 04, 2007

Affirming Old People

There is a need for people who are in the last trimester of their lives to affirm what they are feeling and what they believe to be the truth about life and death. Many elderly have reached a point at which they no longer fear death and perhaps even long for the opportunity to leave this world. However, there are others who are surrounded by a culture that says you’re supposed to fight old age and dying as if they are enemies. I would love to help people who are approaching the end of the journey to feel OK about avoiding operations and procedures and the taking of drugs. One way of better understanding why we’re here, especially as we come to the end of the journey, is the concept of the world as a womb. More and more every day I see the similarities between the nine months we spend inside our mothers and the seven or eight decades we spend in this world. The basic process is the same, and again, it’s God who’s doing the work. We have nothing to do with it. God brings us into the world by means of the womb to help us understand that He is truly sovereign, not in the sense that he wants to be a dictator, but in terms of the security we have in knowing that our creator is a benevolent and loving force who has made the decisions for us, and we can just enjoy the ride.


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